It is important to determine the weight (m) of the workpiece to continue with additional calculations.
The suction pads not only have to be able to carry the weight of the workpiece but must also be capable of handling the acceleration
forces. These may never be neglected in a fully automated process.
The holding force of a suction pad depends on its effective diameter. The condition of the workpiece and the number of suction pads
are also crucial for the holding force that a vacuum system can generate.
The vacuum hoses are selected to match the size of the volume flows as well as the size of the suction pads.
The evacuation time of the entire system very important for use in system. The system is cost-optimized and efficient, shorter cycle times are possible.
The diameter of the suction pad determines the suction rate that a vacuum generator has to apply to evacuate the suction pad and another equipment.
Force in each foam cell can make us know about holding force to handling workpiece.
Number of cell to hitting workpiece make us know for how many gripper for use parallel to handling workpiece.
Use force and number of hitting celll for calculate parallel gripper
The foam pad molds to the shape of the product to be picked up. The surface of the product can be flat, rounded, twisted or the texture can be rough, porous, molded or even open from the top…